Monday, June 24, 2013

Plum Mead - Secondary Fermentation

After about five days of bubbling and stirring my mason jars I decided to strain out what was left of the fruit and start secondary fermentation in a one gallon glass carboy. I filtered out most of the larger pieces of fruit by pouring through a cloth jelly strainer. Filling the bottle up to the tapered neck I sealed the top with an air lock and came back one day later to find a bit of a mess...

Gross right? Well I've read that this is quite common and nothing to worry about. I pulled the stopper out, wiped up the gunky mess and cleaned out the air lock. I screwed on the lid and gave the jug a good shake before replacing the air lock. I took a couple of quick videos to show everything happy and bubbling but like an idiot I was holding my phone sideways. I'll need to edit them and rotate before posting but hopefully I can get them up in the next day or two.

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